Carrinho vazio.
Troca rapida de gravata (Quick-Change Bow Tie)  #1437
Troca rapida de gravata (Quick-Change Bow Tie)  #1437
Troca rapida de gravata (Quick-Change Bow Tie) #1437
R$ 25,00
Troca rapida de gravata borboleta. Lindo !!!Sua gravata borboleta muda de cor de azul, vermelho, preto, amarelo, verde e laranja. Comece com qualquer uma a sua escolha. Otimo se vc usa uma roupa de gala para suas magicas. Using the Quick Change Bow Ties, you are always in perfect position to insantly chane the color of your bow tie with lightning speed, using only one short movement with your right of left hand. You will be able to change the color of your bow tie up to 6 timrd, perfect to use as a running gag, also if you work as an magician for children. Up to now everybody who saw this gimmick looked in disbelief. The Speed is incredible. The color of your bowtie will change from blue - red - black - yellow - green - orange! Start with any color you like! The gimmicks are high quality produced. It's optimized for a white tuxedo shirt (instrucoes em video youtube)
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