Carrinho vazio.
Wings by Amos Levkovitch & The Miracle Factory #1002
Wings by Amos Levkovitch & The Miracle Factory #1002
Wings by Amos Levkovitch & The Miracle Factory #1002
R$ 45,00
75 minutos com o Genio das magicas com Pombos, Amos Levkovitch, ensinando cuidados, treinamentos, e varias dicas de como lidar com pombos. Veja sua apresentação no palco. Entre muitas, veja:

Amos' Dove Act

The Automatic-Opening Dove Holder

Shaping a Loop

Safely Loading a Dove

Sleeve Variations: Fire, Egg, Gloves

Altered Sleeves and Cuffs

Setting the Holder

Securing the Loop

Loop Steal

Releasing the Dove

Safely Loading the Dove


Throw Production

Training a Dove to Return

Pros and Cons of the Harness

Issues of Coloring a Bird

Safely Dying a Dove

The Giant Aviary

Types of Water and Feeders

The Best Dove Food Perches: Size, Cleaning, Height

Use of Grit

Health Tips

The Pitfalls of Trimming

Washing Your Doves

Caring About Your Birds
CONTATO (11)25038954 de segunda a sexta das 9 as 18 horas, com Cristina.
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